The sucky part is that because protein powders are a supplement, they are not super regulated and when it says “natural flavors” you could be getting a lot more than what you bargain for. Quite a few protein powders are gluten free, so when you are wondering “ is whey gluten free?” the answer is yes. whey from milk/cow, egg white from an egg, pea protein from peas, etc.) as well as additives. Most protein powders contain the powdered protein extracted from a given source (i.e. It doesn’t mean it cannot fit in a real food diet/lifestyle it just so happens that it is a SUPPLEMENT to a real food based diet. I mean, if you do, that’s impressive, but for everyone else, it is an unusual means of getting a nutrient. You would never buy a gallon of milk and then process it out for its whey protein powder for dinner. Why? Because it is not a normal means of feeding yourself. So many people ask me if their protein powder is a supplement. Let’s take a step back and look at what protein powder actually is. That all being said, let’s look into what protein powders are, why you might or might not need one, what to look for when buying/using one, and my favorite brand recommendations! What is Protein Powder? They will not give you a six-pack nor PRs and they are not the solution to all of your problems. Protein powders will not fix your diet or your health. Know that if you have not already looked into adopting a more balanced real food approach, you have no business looking into protein powder unless specified by a trusted practitioner. You can use me as your resource and get yourself educated not confused. Nutrition and especially performance nutrition can be super confusing and I’m hoping to help by giving you the breakdown on a topic like this. Today’s post is to help you in both areas! So much goes into what to consider if you need a protein powder and then IF you do need one, what you should consider. My usual response is, of course, “it depends.” While not everyone needs protein powder, some people can really benefit from it and should consider looking at the reviews on to find out more about which powder would be best for them. Being a sports/fitness dietitian means that I’m constantly dealing with people asking me for recommendations on protein powders.